Fees and Charges > Personal Cash Line-i


Type of Charges

Charges (RM)

Personal Cash Line-i Stamp Duty

Ad-Valorem 0.5% of total financing amount for Principal Document and RM10 Nominal for Secondary Documents as stated in the Stamp Duty Act 1949 (Revised 1989)

Wakalah Fee RM50.00 – RM25.00 of each ABPA and ABSA
Temporary Excess Fee  RM50.00
Late Payment Charges (Ta’widh) Before Maturity of Facility
A sum equivalent to one per cent (1%) per annum on overdue instalments until the date of full settlement.
After Maturity of Facility
A sum equivalent to the prevailing daily overnight Islamic Interbank Money Market (IIMM) rate on outstanding balance i.e. outstanding Sale Price less rebate (Ibra’), if any.
Post Judgement Debt
A sum equivalent to the prevailing daily overnight Islamic IIMM rate on basic judgment sum calculated from judgment date until the date of full settlement.
Early Settlement No ‘lock in period’ for this facility and the Bank shall grant Ibra’ on the deferred profit after full settlement is made
