Providing you services that we are proud to offer Services GO by Bank Islam Access your Bank Islam accounts through mobile anytime and anywhere. LEARN MORE Tabung Haji Save money for the pilgrimage to Mecca through investment in Shariah-compliant vehicles. LEARN MORE DuitNow Simple and convenient way of transferring money using easy-to-remember DuitNow IDs such as mobile number and NRIC number. LEARN MORE ATM & CDM Bank Islam Automated Teller Machines and Cash Deposit Machines. LEARN MORE Prepaid Reload Prepaid Reload Services via ATM to allow Bank Islam ATM/Debit Cardholders to purchase mobile prepaid reload at all Bank Islam ATMs. LEARN MORE Internet Banking Manage your cash flows, financial commitments and your investments online. LEARN MORE Instant Transfer (IBFT) Transfer funds online to other banks participating in MEPS/IBFT. LEARN MORE Bill Payment Pay your utility and other bills online through various channels. LEARN MORE Interbank Giro (IBG) Electronic fund transfer payment system which allows transfer of money in between participating financial institutions within Malaysia. LEARN MORE FPX Make online purchases and accept payments through FPX payment gateway. LEARN MORE TAP Mobile Banking Perform banking services anytime and anywhere through TAP (Transact-at-Palm). LEARN MORE JOMPAY Your favourite one-stop bill payments channel at your fingertips. LEARN MORE EPF e-Pengeluaran Submit your EPF withdrawal application via online for your financing facility payment. LEARN MORE Strategic Partnership Our alliance with strategic partners helps broaden our scope of services for you. LEARN MORE Financial Consumer Alert Bank Negara Malaysia consumer alerts for list of companies and websites not authorised or approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BNM. LEARN MORE AMLA & CFT Anti Money Laundering and Counter Financing Terrorism. LEARN MORE Notice Bank Islam Notices and Announcements. LEARN MORE Interbank Cash Deposit LEARN MORE