Takaful myHome Content
A complete scheme protecting your household contents against any damage or loss caused by common perils such as fire, lightning, explosion, theft, hurricane, earthquake, flood and bursting of water tanks/pipes.
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Benefits & Features
- Various packages to suit your needs and affordability
- Affordable contribution from as low as RM0.47 a day
- Covers accidental death due to fire or theft occurring in the covered premises and public liability
- Provides additional benefits such as cost of replacement of locks / keys, deterioration of food in the freezer, cost of replacing lost legal documents, cleaning services laundry cost, loss or damage to water filter outside the building (within the compound)
- Option to cover subsidence and landslide as well as riot, strike and malicious damage
- Get rewarded with cash back for no claims during your coverage period
Refer details in Product Disclosure Sheet and Certificate Documents here.
Disclaimer: This product is managed by Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad. Kindly visit Takaful Malaysia website for further information.
Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).
*The contribution above are inclusive of 6% Service Tax and RM10 Stamp Duty