Takaful myHome Content

A complete scheme protecting your household contents against any damage or loss caused by common perils such as fire, lightning, explosion, theft, hurricane, earthquake, flood and bursting of water tanks/pipes.

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Benefits & Features
  1. Various packages to suit your needs and affordability
  2. Affordable contribution from as low as RM0.47 a day
  3. Covers accidental death due to fire or theft occurring in the covered premises and public liability
  4. Provides additional benefits such as cost of replacement of locks / keys, deterioration of food in the freezer, cost of replacing lost legal documents, cleaning services laundry cost, loss or damage to water filter outside the building (within the compound)
  5. Option to cover subsidence and landslide as well as riot, strike and malicious damage
  6. Get rewarded with cash back for no claims during your coverage period

Refer details in Product Disclosure Sheet and Certificate Documents here.
Disclaimer: This product is managed by Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad. Kindly visit Takaful Malaysia website for further information.

Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

*The contribution above are inclusive of 6% Service Tax and RM10 Stamp Duty