Takaful myPlus PA (Telemarketing)
Takaful myPlus PA provides comprehensive personal accident coverage, especially during preparations for Hajj or Umrah. We truly understand that the preparations for Hajj or Umrah are sacred, and you must prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, and most important FINANCIALLY.
Available in 6 different plans to choose from, this plan gives you the option to cover yourself, your spouse and children.
Benefits & Features
- Death and Permanent Disablement benefits in the event of an accident
- Double Benefit if death and permanent disablement happens while performing Hajj / Umrah
- Aviation Personal Accident cover up to RM1,000,000 while en-route to perform Hajj or Umrah
- Badal Hajj benefit upon death or total permanent disablement due to an accident before the Hajj
- Hospital Income benefit if one is unable to perform the planned Hajj / Umrah due to an accident that requires hospitalization for a minimum of 3 consecutive days
Refer details in
Product Disclosure Sheet.
Disclaimer: This product is underwritten by Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am
Berhad and is available only through telemarketing. Terms and Conditions apply.